By Jules Lavallee
Dr. Jane Li-Conrad is a trained and licensed osteopathic family physician who has always taken a strong interest in natural options. At first she used a lot of osteopathic manual techniques in her family practice but over the years, she found out about supplements, then tiny dose energy homeopathic medicine and then power of the mind and spirit.
“I use all forms of healing and focus on that which I feel would benefit my patient the most, but my focus tends to be mostly on homeopathic medicine as I have found this modality to be most rapid, deep and gentle. Often one remedy helps many complaints as we choose a remedy based on your unique pattern of imbalance.
Currently I choose not to prescribe drugs and my practice is truly holistic and natural. There is always hope as long as your vitality is intact.
Many people do not understand that the word Homeopathy is not synonymous with naturopathy. Homeo means similar and Pathos means suffering.
Homeopathic Medicine uses a law of healing which is to find a remedy that gives a similar suffering or mimics your unique symptoms of imbalance to help you overcome any imbalance. Any abnormal symptom is a sign of your defense/ immune system at work and needs support rather than suppression.
Tiny, dynamized doses of a remedy (plant, animal or mineral) known to match the key areas of your imbalance are given over a period of time until your body accepts the gentle messages.
A 1-2 hour interview along with a software program, knowledge of homeopathic medicine and intuition are used to find the best remedy for your total imbalance. You will need to follow up periodically until the remedy is no longer required. A true healing!
I also synergize homeopathic healing with osteopathic bodywork (such as craniosacral therapy, myofascial release). If other modalities are needed for support, I use quantum healing, medical grade infrared laser, music, counseling, and mindfulness techniques as needed.
You have been practicing family medicine for over 25 years. What have you learned along the way?
I am an Osteopathic Family Physician and over time I became an energy healer.
I have always been interested in natural healing since I was young as I tried to heal my cat’s infected ears! However, I also loved painting and drawing. I was drawn to becoming an artist but my mom thought it was better for my professional life to become a doctor. So I complied with her wishes and thought it was a reasonable path.
Since I was more drawn to natural healing (my artistic side) I decided to become an Osteopathic Physician (DO) rather than an MD. What is an Osteopath? While an Osteopathic physician has similar training as a MD and can choose to specialize in any field of medicine, an Osteopath also has been trained in body diagnostic and manual healing techniques. The aim in the pure form (drugless) of Osteopathy is to improve the function of the physical body by observing all abnormalities of structure and correcting them with various manual techniques such as myofascial release, lymphatic pump, craniosacral technique, etc.
After I started by clinical training, I met several patients who shared the natural remedies they found for healing themselves. The conventional drugs prescribed for them either had failed or they just preferred natural options. I was perplexed as to why I, as a trained physician, wasn’t introduced to these pearls of knowledge for healing. Later, one of my children developed a chronic syndrome.
Conventional medicine had found no answers nor gave any useful solutions. I decided to do my own research. I came upon a type of medicine called homeopathic medicine which made a lot of sense to me. My daughter was healed with a flower called staphysagria.
Unfortunately, I saw that most of my colleagues and the medical system in general was not open to using homeopathic medicine. Additionally the frustrations of medicine became too great with poor solutions for my patients and not enough time allotted to actually helping them.
So, I decided to create my own business “Remedy Jane” for natural medicine focusing on homeopathic methods. I really took a passion to become proficient in this complex treatment. It is my first line of treatment because it goes deep and works rather quickly. So let me explain what it is since most people do not understand when I say the word. Rather, they register that homeopathy is the same as choosing a supplement for a named disease or conditions or naturopathy. They are not synonymous!
The body is intelligently designed to always produce symptoms as a defense reaction to help the whole organism while parts are suffering. So, coughing is meant to help expel a toxin; fever to kill a bug and inflammation is meant to bring white cells of defense to the area, etc… These symptoms of defense are always suppressed in conventional care (suppress the fever, the pain, the cough, etc.).
In the homeopathic method, we give a tiny dose of a medicine known to produce a similar set of symptoms expressed by your defense and over time, the body is healed.
Homeopathy was brought to the USA from Germany and we built 100 hospitals dedicated to homeopathic care. MD physicians used homeopathy in those hospitals and were very successful. In 1938 homeopathic medicine was recognized as safe and effective drugs by our Congress and is still overseen by the FDA for compliance on how each medicine is made pharmaceutically. Each homeopathic remedy or medicine is either a plant, animal, or mineral substance and is prepared in a very tiny dose that is not only diluted but also vigorously succussed or shaken to create a certain potency or strength. Each remedy is tested in the healthy in this (dilute and succussed or “potentized” form) to see what each remedy causes in the healthy. If a prover (person who tested the remedy) got a headache from a remedy, they had to see what factors would make the headache better or worse (temperature, time of day, after eating, bending down, etc) and if they had other associated symptoms such as nausea, sadness, or more thirst e.g.).
Once they understood the effects of each medicine as tested on the healthy body (called a “proving”) they had to then interview the patient who was sick to find their characteristic totality of imbalances so that a remedy with a similar set of symptoms could be chosen for their imbalanced state. For example, the homeopathic remedy apis mellifica (extract of whole bee) is a remedy often useful for eyelid or any skin swelling with pink, burning, warm skin in a person who suddenly feels hotter in general, feels better with cold packs and isn’t as thirsty as in his normal state. Such changes are typical for healthy persons who try this remedy in homeopathic form in a “proving” and from the experience of people who have experienced bee stings in general (burning, heat, lacking thirst, swelling and pain of skin).
On my journey as a healer, I was drawn to research more healing modalities for those who didn’t respond to homeopathy. I found that there are so many natural ways to heal and realized that energy and consciousness are very important for healing.
Many people are still uninformed about natural medicine or misinformed. Though I see that people are starting to wake up. So when a person calls me on the phone for a consultation, I need to explain in detail all the various modalities that I can help them with. My favorite treatments are homeopathy, Berman medical grade infrared light laser treatment and helping people become aware of the mind/emotion-physical disease connection.
I came across the Berman infrared laser several months ago and have incorporated it into my practice. It has been an amazing extra tool as it gives immediate significant pain relief and increased range of motion for the patient suffering with any sort of muscle, tendon, bone, nerve etc troubles. It uses a form of medical grade red light that reaches deep into the cells, stimulating them to produce more energy molecules (ATP), increases blood flow which delivers more oxygen, nutrients and anti-pain molecules to the tissues in need. Regeneration is possible with this light therapy!

What are some of the conditions you treat?
I treat a wide variety of conditions both acute and chronic… just as a conventional physician would… though with different tools. Depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, gut, headaches, fibromyalgia, migraines, obesity, chronic rashes, menstrual, sexual issues are just a few of the imbalances I treat!!
Examples: I had a patient with chronic uterine bleeding due to fibroids and obesity who just didn’t want to do the surgery that was recommended. She was desperate to find a natural option. I gave her calcium carbonicum 200 c which actually changed her heavy bleeding to normal menstrual flow while also improving her mood, constipation and sleep within only a few weeks! Homeopathy works very quickly when you find the right remedy. I had another woman with diabetic neuropathy of the feet who was very happy with her improved ability to walk and decreased level of pain after a 15 minute Berman infrared laser light treatment.
It’s exciting to help people find their health again rather than just add more drugs. I helped another man who had multiple surgeries on his feet and hands who was disabled due to severe arthritis in his feet and hands. He actually noted significant pain reduction in his feet after one energy healing session. He continued to improve in other imbalances with the homeopathic remedy nut vomica 200c that I chose for him.
What will people notice when working with you?
I have many excellent reviews on google from happy patients. I give them my full attention listening to their story, asking questions about their total medical and emotional history: emotional reaction patterns/traumas, as well as their physical triggers/symptoms in detail. Then I will determine the strongest obvious symptoms and use a computer software program to find a remedy in nature that has a similar pattern of imbalance. The program has what every remedy has helped to overcome and the symptoms it is capable to produce. Once the patient has the remedy, they will use the remedy once a day or as needed until they feel a reaction (better, worse, same or new symptom) and report their experience to me. I will need to adjust the remedy based on their reaction to the remedy. They will continue to use the remedy as needed under my direction for a period of time. They should notice an obvious improvement by 2 weeks (sometimes sooner) and continue the remedy until they no longer need it. While I am helping them with homeopathy, I will use other supportive tools to help them, if needed, such as the Berman laser for pains, advice and counseling on being aware of thoughts and feelings , osteopathic manipulation and energy mind healing.
The interview will help them understand how their mental habits and life situation might be affecting their physical and emotional health so they can make some behavioral changes as well.
You have worked with notable people including Actress, Olivia Hussey – Remedy Jane Advocate and Mrs. Maryland Julia Chang. Tell us about working with them on the homeopathy road to success.
Yes I worked with Julia Change and Olivia Hussey by phone using homeopathy only. They are both lovely individuals who were very open with me regarding their life story and so I was able to help them both.
Can you share a challenging patient that you helped?
A challenging patient: I had one patient who had much of her stomach and intestine removed and had to be on the toilet with diarrhea every hour. I wasn’t sure if homeopathy could help her. But after only one week of the remedy she reported 50% less stool urging and toilet time! Miracles and healing are always possible!