HANALEI SWAN: The journey of a Teenage Fashion Prodigy

HANALEI SWAN: The journey of a Teenage Fashion Prodigy

August 8, 2024 0

At just fifteen years old, Hanalei Swan has already accomplished more than many people do in a lifetime. She’s a fashion designer, artist, model, international speaker, and bestselling author. But Hanalei’s story isn’t just about early success; it’s about the power of passion, intuition, and the unique way she was nurtured to pursue her dreams.

Hanalei’s journey began at the age of seven, sparked by a profound question posed by her parents: “What do you want to be now?” This simple yet powerful question steered her away from the traditional notion of waiting to grow up to pursue her passions. Instead, it encouraged her to start living her dreams immediately.

This mindset was instrumental in Hanalei’s development as a fashion designer. By the time she was eleven, she had started her own company, and by twelve, she was generating six-figure revenues. Her showroom in Bali, Indonesia, produces high-fashion, earth-conscious products that reflect her commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

Hanalei’s accomplishments are impressive. She has been featured on a New York Times Square billboard, nominated as Female Entrepreneur of the Year by The Yak magazine, and served as the head artist for the Shima Swan surfboard project by We Are Mother Earth. Her designs have gained international recognition, and she has spoken on stages around the world, including in Australia, Hong Kong, India, London, the USA, and Indonesia.

In January 2019, Hanalei released her book, How to Be & Raise an UNSTOPPABLE Kid, which aims to inspire young people to pursue their dreams passionately and authentically. She is also a contributing author to the bestselling book series Women Gone Wild, which showcases the stories of trailblazing women.

For Hanalei, intuition plays a central role in her life and work. She views intuition as a guiding light, essential for navigating life’s challenges and staying true to one’s path. “Intuition is the guiding light in a woman’s life. It is what guides you towards your destiny,” she explains. However, she acknowledges that stress and doubt can dim this light, emphasizing the importance of supporting and encouraging each other to reset and center ourselves.

Hanalei’s intuition is deeply connected to her creative process. She is passionate about her work because it is a reflection of her personal growth. Seeing her progress over the years through her paintings, writing, and other creations drives her to create more. “By creating more from my heart authentically, I believe I can inspire others to do what they love,” she says.

Hanalei stands for several important social causes, including women’s empowerment, ocean health conservation, and slow fashion. She is passionate about these issues and uses her platform to raise awareness and inspire action. Her commitment to slow fashion, in particular, reflects her dedication to sustainability and ethical production practices.

One of the hardest challenges Hanalei has faced is overcoming bullying and internal fears. However, her biggest challenge has been self-acceptance and self-confidence, which she continues to work on. Her journey is a testament to the resilience and strength required to overcome these obstacles and thrive in a competitive industry.

Hanalei draws inspiration from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, a book that has profoundly influenced her outlook on life and success. The book’s message—that mindset and belief in oneself are crucial to achieving one’s dreams—resonates deeply with her.

Her “why” is rooted in her love for creating art and writing, which brings her immense joy. By living her purpose, she hopes to inspire others to pursue their passions and lead fulfilling lives. “Creating art and writing is what brings me the most amount of joy in life and I want to live a life full of that joy. Hopefully, by living my purpose I am able to inspire others along the way,” she shares.

Hanalei has several exciting projects on the horizon, including the launch of the Shima Swan surfboard project. Although the launch date is yet to be confirmed, this project reflects her ongoing commitment to sustainability and creativity.

Hanalei lives by several quotes that inspire and guide her. Among her favorites are:

  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu
  • “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

These quotes encapsulate the wisdom and resilience that have driven Hanalei’s journey thus far and continue to inspire her as she navigates the future.

Hanalei Swan’s story is a powerful example of what can be achieved when intuition, passion, and determination are combined. From a young girl with a dream to one of the youngest fashion designers and business owners in the world, Hanalei’s journey is an inspiration to the next generation of conscious leaders. Her commitment to sustainability, social impact, and authentic creation sets her apart as a beacon of hope and inspiration in the fashion industry and beyond.

Bhavna Batra
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