September 4, 2024 0

In the bustling city of Katowice, Poland, in 1978, identical twins Anna Nowak and Alicia Berg were born, just two minutes apart. Alicia, the elder, and Anna, the younger, grew up under the care of their Polish parents in an industrial city that would soon face the trials of communism and restricted freedoms. Seeking a brighter future for their children, their parents made the bold decision to emigrate to Stockholm, Sweden, in 1984, when the twins were only five years old. This move would lay the foundation for the remarkable journey of Anna and Alicia, who would grow up to be influential entrepreneurs.

Growing up in Sweden, Anna and Alicia were instilled with the values of hard work, kindness, and perseverance by their parents. The understanding that their parents had sacrificed so much to provide them with a better life was a driving force for the twins. They were determined to seize every opportunity and never take anything for granted. This unwavering spirit of resilience and the constant pursuit of solutions, even in the darkest times, became integral to their personal and professional lives.

Anna and Alicia’s journey into entrepreneurship was fueled by their life struggles and a deep-seated desire to fill a significant void they perceived in the world—empathy and kindness. They observed a growing sense of disconnection and an urgent need for gentle guidance and support among people. This realization, combined with a strong desire to work for themselves and create something meaningful, led to the birth of their business, MADE HOT.

Both Anna and Alicia faced harrowing personal experiences that profoundly shaped their paths. Alicia survived a mentally and physically abusive relationship, while Anna endured a similarly abusive relationship, culminating in her husband’s suicide four years ago. These traumatic events could have easily broken their spirits, but instead, they chose a path of self-reflection and holistic healing. Through self-work, coaches, breath work, yoga, tapping, and meditation, they transitioned from survival mode to a state of surrender and learning. Their belief in natural, holistic healing over chemical solutions guided them through their healing process and became a core philosophy of their business.

In March 2021, Anna and Alicia made a decisive leap. They founded MADE HOT, an online platform dedicated to relationships, mental health, self-love, and sexual wellness. The platform was envisioned as a community where individuals could work on themselves, gain confidence, and find joy and pleasure in life. It was designed to be a safe space for people to embrace their sexuality, connect with like-minded individuals, and embark on a journey of self-improvement and empowerment.

MADE HOT operates on simple yet profound principles be kind, loving, support others, and deal with your issues to live a better life. Anna and Alicia believe in listening to one’s instincts and gut feelings, acting on them, and navigating life with positivity and joy. This philosophy is embedded in their business, which offers a membership portal with curated courses by certified life coaches. These courses cover various aspects of personal development, including self-love, confidence, intimacy, sexual health, relationships, and holistic healing.

Anna and Alicia’s vision for MADE HOT extends beyond individual transformation. They aim to normalize and destigmatize topics that many people struggle with, creating an environment where conversations about sexuality, mental health, and self-love are encouraged and embraced. They are committed to expanding their brand, reaching more people, and providing a platform where members can embark on personalized journeys to self-love and whole-life transformation.

The twins are brimming with ideas for the future. They plan to create an app for their platform, organize retreats in Bali and Mexico, onboard new coaches, and develop group coaching programs. They are passionate about educating people on their core pillars, rebranding and educating about menopause, and teaching young teens and adults about relationships and self-exploration.

Anna and Alicia’s journey is a testament to the power of passion and resilience. They advise aspiring entrepreneurs to trust their instincts, seek mentors, and persist through challenges. They believe that authenticity and passion are crucial for a business’s success and that staying true to one’s core values can resonate with customers.

For Anna and Alicia, success is about more than financial gain. It’s about creating a legacy of kindness, love, and education. They aim to build a community that fosters human connections and provides a toolbox for future generations to become the best versions of themselves. Through MADE HOT, they strive to make a lasting impact, spreading happiness and hope and helping people reclaim their lives and relationships.

Anna Nowak and Alicia Berg’s journey from their early days in Katowice to becoming influential entrepreneurs in Sweden is a story of resilience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to making the world a kinder, more connected place. Through MADE HOT, they continue to inspire and empower individuals, proving that with determination and a clear vision, anything is possible.

Bhavna Batra
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