September 4, 2024 0

Kortney Savage is a woman who embodies passion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to empowering others. From her childhood dreams to her successful ventures as an entrepreneur, Kortney’s story is a testament to the power of intuition, perseverance, and the drive to make a difference. Her journey, filled with challenges and triumphs, is an inspiration to women everywhere who aspire to turn their dreams into reality.

Childhood Dreams and Early Aspirations

From a young age, Kortney had a clear vision of her future. “My whole childhood I wanted to own a clothing store and dive into fashion,” she recalls. This dream, though not realized in its initial form, laid the foundation for her entrepreneurial spirit. Her first foray into business may have ended in failure, but it molded her life and taught her invaluable lessons that would guide her future endeavors.

The Spark of Entrepreneurship

Kortney’s journey into entrepreneurship began the moment she recognized an opportunity. “As soon as the first door opened to opportunity, I took it. I knew it was for me,” she says with conviction. This spark ignited a passion that would drive her to create and grow a business empire rooted in integrity, authenticity, and a commitment to storytelling and finance.

Building an Empire

Kortney’s entrepreneurial adventure is fueled by her passion for education and her desire to help others avoid the mistakes she made. “My passion for educating people becoming entrepreneurs and not making the same mistakes I did created a door for me to grow a company with integrity and authenticity,” she explains. This mission has allowed her to build a business that not only thrives financially but also stands as a beacon of ethical and meaningful growth.

Guiding Values and Decision-Making

At the heart of Kortney’s success is her reliance on intuition. “I love to use my intuition. I have learned through trial and error that the process of intuition is always the true gut on decision-making,” she shares. Her mission, vision, and values are centered around helping people, particularly women, grow with integrity and form partnerships that share her values.

Fostering Positive Culture and Inclusion

Kortney’s leadership style emphasizes a positive culture and inclusion within her teams. “Team and ecosystem are two of the values along with honesty that keeps our team together as a forward-moving energy,” she notes. Her approach to hiring is based on a predictive index and intuition, ensuring that everyone who joins the team contributes positively and supports the company’s growth.

Overcoming Challenges

As a female entrepreneur, Kortney has faced numerous challenges, particularly in raising capital and maintaining her name in a male-dominated world. Yet, she has found ways to overcome these obstacles by educating the men she works with, earning their respect through knowledge and competence. “I always find that if you educate the men that you are working with, they start holding a much higher respect for you,” she says.

Staying Focused and Motivated

In difficult times, Kortney relies on gratitude and grounding herself. “Gratitude and feet on the ground always. In a difficult time, you can’t cry over spilled milk and you can’t change things that are out of your control, so move forward with things you can control,” she advises. This pragmatic approach keeps her focused and motivated, even when faced with significant challenges.

Balancing Work and Life

Maintaining a work/life balance is crucial for Kortney, especially with a growing business. She ensures she takes time to stay creative and reconnect with her husband, taking two days a week to work from home or a conducive environment. “By taking two days a week and working at home or in a place that allows me to stay creative and trying to get away with my husband to make sure that we always reconnect,” she explains.

Defining Success and Future Goals

For Kortney, success is about helping others. “Success is helping others and the more we do, the better we are,” she believes. Her long-term growth goals include providing easier access to lines of credit for women entrepreneurs, furthering her mission to empower and uplift others.

A Message for WomenPreneur’s

Kortney’s message to aspiring women Entrepreneurs is one of perseverance and resilience: “Never take no for an answer when you feel it has defined an opportunity for you. Make sure that you realize that’s an opinion and that a no will get you closer to the right yes.” Her journey underscores the importance of intuition, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to one’s dreams.

Looking Ahead

Kortney Savage is not just a successful Entrepreneur; she is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her future plans are centered around continuing to support and empower women, ensuring that her legacy of integrity, authenticity, and compassion touches countless lives.

Kortney Savage’s story is a powerful reminder that with passion, resilience, and an unyielding belief in oneself, anything is possible. She stands as a testament to the strength and potential within every woman, inspiring others to dream big and persevere in the face of adversity.

Bhavna Batra
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