DR. KARA NANCE: Integrating Medicine and Mindfulness to unlock Human potential

DR. KARA NANCE: Integrating Medicine and Mindfulness to unlock Human potential

August 24, 2024 0

Dr. Kara Nance, a multifaceted physician, Author, Entrepreneur, and Mother, is dedicated to helping individuals access their highest potential. As a double board-certified expert in Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine, she merges traditional medical knowledge with innovative approaches to mental and emotional well-being. With a minor in neuroscience from Princeton University and extensive training at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, and the UMass Center for Mindfulness, Kara is well-equipped to guide others on their journeys of self-discovery and healing.

Since beginning her medical career in 1999, Kara has been fascinated by the intricacies of the human psyche. Over the past 25 years, she has meticulously observed her patients, colleagues, and family members, leading her to explore various methods of self-discovery and personal growth. Her journey has been profoundly shaped by her studies in the Enneagram, Nonviolent Communication, Resonant Healing, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Kara’s expertise extends beyond her clinical practice. She has collaborated with Dr. Judson Brewer, a renowned psychiatrist specializing in cravings and addiction, to develop digital applications such as Eat Right Now, Unwinding Anxiety, and Craving To Quit. As an advisor and facilitator of these programs, Kara helps individuals harness their inner strength to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Kara is the founder of Wellessence MD, a practice that offers internal medicine and primary care services, medically supervised weight loss, and treatment for stress-related illnesses. Her unique approach, known as Upstreaming, involves diagnosing and treating not only physical ailments but also the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to a person’s suffering. Through Upstreaming, Kara invites individuals to confront their fears and failures, leading to profound personal transformation.

In addition to her medical practice, Kara is an accomplished teacher and speaker. She offers online seminars in Enneagram Explorations, MBSR, Nonviolent Communication, and the aforementioned digital therapeutics. Her coaching services, which cater to individuals, families, and couples, incorporate a variety of modalities designed to promote holistic healing and personal growth.

Kara’s dedication to helping others extends to her role as a podcaster and writer. She produces a weekly podcast called The Blindspot: An Enneagram Podcast, where she shares her insights on personality typing and self-improvement. Additionally, she is a co-author in the Women Gone Wild edition on Intuition, contributing her knowledge and experience to a wider audience.

As a single mother of four children aged 16 to 24, Kara understands the importance of balance in life. She wakes up every day committed to bringing her gifts to the world, striving to be a source of inspiration and support for others. Her ability to diagnose and treat conditions of the heart, mind, and soul sets her apart from other experts in her field, making her a sought-after coach and mentor.

Kara’s philosophy is encapsulated in her belief that we must be present to win. Whether addressing personal or professional challenges, she emphasizes the importance of being fully engaged in the moment. Her workshops and public speaking engagements focus on Upstreaming techniques, guiding individuals and organizations to uncover and address the root causes of their issues.

Kara’s upcoming seminars and workshops are open for registration, offering opportunities for personal and professional growth. Her areas of expertise include habit change, stress reduction, communication, and the science of self-mastery. By helping individuals and teams understand their unique strengths and weaknesses, Kara empowers them to achieve greater productivity and joy in their lives.

Through her innovative approach to medicine and her commitment to personal growth, Dr. Kara Nance is transforming the lives of countless individuals. Her work serves as a testament to the power of integrating traditional medical practices with alternative healing strategies, ultimately fostering a more holistic approach to health and well-being.

Bhavna Batra
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